(including the self-governing dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine)

Happiness Royal Camp

Lilongwe, Malawi.

Contact: P.O. Box 40600 Kanengo, Lilongwe Malawi, Email:

WhatsApp/phone: +265999375802

16th January, 2023


a. The Foreign Office of the South African Government

b. The Foreign Office of the Israeli Government

c. The Registrar of the International Court of Justice

a.People of the self-governing dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine

b. The Executive Secretary of the Malawi Human Rights Commission's

c. The Director General of the Legal Aid Bureau of Malawi

d. The media


1) The MUST Government is noticing with keen interest how the rule of law legal maxim is now taking credence in the world in the pre-hearing of the submission by the Government of South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the crime of genocide as

perpetrated by the Israeli Government on the formerly stateless people of the Gaza strip in Palestine. It is further interesting to see the countries of the world giving due respect to the International Court of Justice, (a Court which was specifically created by the United Nations Organization in order to reinforce the rule of law legal maxim and justice in the world), by sending their representatives to the Court to present their governments positions on the case rather than trashing the Court altogether. The world has seen through formal and social media the representatives of the State of South Africa and the State of Israel to the Court who have each made their preliminary submissions to the Court accordingly.

2) While the MUST Government commends the action taken by the RSA government in the pursuit of Justice in the interest of the people of the Gaza strip, the RSA government and the Court including the Israeli Government have to be notified that the people of the Gaza strip are no longer stateless people like before as the MUST Government invited and admitted them into the citizenship of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire whereas the (contested/no man's) land of the Gaza strip has been merged into the territory of the kanyika kingdom under the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire as duly communicated to the countries of the world by the MUST imperial office in October of the year 2023. The South African Government's submission to the Court should have been properly submitted to the Court in conjunction with the MUST Government which is now governing the people of the Gaza strip as duly communicated. The MUST Government therefore humbly requests the RSAs Government to do accordingly and amend it's Court submissions to the ICJ in order to incorporate the MUST Government as the aggrieved party. The MUST Government has already made it's own submissions to the International Court of Justice seeking the legal opinion of the Court regarding the lawfulness of the year 2016 declaration of the political independence of the people of Thyolo and Mulanje out of Malawi and lawfulness of the colonization by the MUST Government of the formerly no man's lands around the globe where it created the 36 kingdoms of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire.

3) The MUST Government believes that it's proposed relationship with the Government of South Africa in the submission of the genocide case at the ICJ shall help to end the raging wars around the world and especially in Gaza strip and in Ukraine, wars which are involving a number of countries and are threatening the peace and security status of the world. The MUST Government is requesting the RSA Government to recognize the sovereignty of the African

Traditionalist Government of MUST as duly created by the indigenous people of Thyolo and Mulanje in the year 2016. The MUST Government further requests the RSA Government to recognize the country's colonization of all the formerly no man's lands around the globe as duly communicated to all countries of the world. The territory of the Republic of South Africa is surrounded by the colonized territory of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire to the east, south and west whereby all ports and coastal towns of the Republic of South Africa are just beyond 12 nautical miles (about 22 km) away from this MUST colonized land necessitating the creation of this partnership. This duly colonized land of the MUST Government borders most coastal countries of the world thus giving a lot of business opportunities to the citizens of the country and it's partners.

4) The African Traditionalist Government of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje thrives on the terms of surrender contained in the legally binding Peace Treaty signed between Nyasaland and Portugal in the year 1893 when the indigenous people of the kingdoms of Nyasaland defeated the people of the kingdom of Portugal in the colonization war fought from the year 1891-1893 where the people of Nyasaland were victorious. All countries of the world have already been notified of the need to pay transit taxes to the MUST Government on entering this MUST colonized territory with their cargo starting from February the 8th of the year 2023 where most countries are 12 months overdue in payment now. The RSA Government is a potential strategic partner of the MUST Government in the enforcement of the payment of these transit taxes. The MUST Government's offshore cities are due to be created at every major Sea Port and City point 12+1 nautical miles away along the coastlines of all seas and oceans of the world in order to control trade and immigration for the country worldwide.

5) As Emperor of this worldwide Empire I had set out on a worldwide tour of these colonized territories but I postponed the tour early January this year 2024 in order to first seek legal opinion of the Court on the colonization of these formerly no man's lands around the world by the MUST Government. During this tour I am bound to enter the Gaza strip in Palestine and swear in the State dignitaries of the self-governing council of the self-governing dominion of the Gaza strip as duly colonized subject to the legal opinion of the Court. The MUST Imperial Office has duly appointed the Hamas leader (subject to his free consent) as Prime Minister of the duly proclaimed self-governing dominion of the Gaza strip in Palestine in order to give

him chance to institute a Government and initiate the rule of law for the people of the Gaza  strip in Palestine under the MUST Government, a government which was created in accordance with the Law of Nations guided by the provisions of the United Nations. The appointment of the Hamas leader to lead his people in the Gaza strip in Palestine by the MUST imperial Office is not to condone the claimed terrorists' actions perpetrated by the people of Gaza on Israel but to acknowledge that these once stateless people of the Gaza strip in Palestine did not know the law and the rule of law before their colonization by the MUST Government which introduced it. Now that the people of the Gaza strip in Palestine have been made to adopt the rule of law and justice under the MUST Government, they have now been given an opportunity to create their own Government as a self-governing dominion with their respected leader of the Hamas who now is legally bound to operate under the law of the MUST Government as bound by the Constitution of the country if he is willing to take up the task.

6) The MUST Government fully supports all the points raised by the RSA Government before the ICJ over the claimed genocide crime perpetrated by Israel over the people of Gaza and requests the Court to adopt the points in their entirety and reject the points raised by Israel in defense. The MUST Government in it's own right requests the Court to order an immediate ceasefire by both Israel and Hamas in order to allow the law to take it's course in Palestine. Let third parties refrain from escalating the hostilities in preference for the law and justice under the Court in order to give credibility to the United Nations.

7) May God the Almighty pacify the warriors and bring friendship between the warring parties till a legal solution is identified by the Court.

Yours in Service,

Saint Mussauwa Vincent Wandale

Emperor, Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire

(including the self-governing dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine)






Happinness Royal Camp

Lilongwe, Malawi

4th December, 2023

TO: The State Dignitaries of all Sovereign States of the world


Attention everyone,

1) Rule of law marked the beginning of civilized life on earth starting from the signing of the United Nations Charter in the year 1945 by countries of the world. Those people who are good at arguing their points or cases out gain the day in this civilized world ruled by the law. The African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) was created in the year 2016 in accordance with the law whereby everyone concerned with the country’s creation was given a chance to voice out their concerns or objections and everyone unanimously agreed to the propositions made by the State Dignitaries of the country and the country’s governing bodies over the years. 

2) The African Traditionalist Government of MUST which is comprised of 36 kingdoms under the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions (SGDs) of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine has from the 22nd day of November of the year 2023 been lawfully and procedurally introduced into the community of nations of the world after twenty eight (28) days of notice from the 24th day of October to the 21st day of November of the year 2023 elapsed without anyone challenging the fact that the land of Malawi reverted back to the ownership of the indigenous people of the country after the Malawi Presidential Commission of Enquiry on Land Policy Reform described the land laws of the country as ultra vires. Similarly, no one challenged the legal basis of the creation of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire (WWHME) or the deposition from power of the State Dignitaries of the Self abolished Republic of Malawi after several reminders. The Diplomatic Community in Lilongwe Malawi and world over were given a notice of the Inauguration of the Government of the duly created African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST on the 1st day of November of the year 2023 (which was submitted by hand by myself as Emperor to the European Union delegation to Malawi on November 10th 2023) without any objections to date signifying approval. 

3) Today the 4th day of December in the year 2023 marks 33 days from the 1st day of November of the year 2023 when the Diplomatic Community was notified about the 29th September 2023 Inauguration of the MUST Government and the submission of the MUST Government request to the Diplomatic Community to bring into force the binding Diplomatic protocols and agreements as embedded in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the United Nations Covenant on Diplomatic and Consular Relations following the peaceful regime change in Malawi. The Diplomatic Community Worldwide has so far failed to point out in 33 days if the procedure followed by the MUST Imperial Office in the Inauguration of the MUST Government was flawed anywhere in order to contradict the MUST Governments claims that it upholds international law and morality. This silence on legal issues displayed by the Diplomatic Community signifies a no objection and approval to the claims made by the MUST Government over the years. Even the colonization of the Gaza strip by the MUST Government in October of the year 2023 was not challenged by the Diplomatic Community either in these 33 days, so too was the colonization of the formerly no man’s lands around the globe by the MUST Government as donated by the First Choice Import and Export Private Company Limited (FIEC Ltd): The FIEC Ltd had procedurally communicated to the Registrar of companies in Blantyre Malawi about the company’s land claims and donations around the world. This development is a great encouragement to the MUST Government as duly inaugurated as it signifies no objection to it’s actions. As Emperor Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the duly created Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire comprised of 36 kingdoms under the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) which includes the Self Governing Dominions (SGDs) of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine, I am happy that all my actions upholds the rule of law as embedded in the UN Charter and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Consequently, even if no country on earth recognizes our country’s independence and sovereignty, the law recognizes our country's  independence as a Sovereign State as provided for in the law of Nations  and the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Declarative Theory of Statehood which is accepted as part of customary international law. Let the International Court of Justice give it’s verdict over these claims as a competent Court with jurisdiction over issues of self determination.

4) Based on the understanding that the international community has failed to challenge the claims made by the MUST Government over time, I am now duty bound to exercise my rights as Head of State and Government of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the self governing dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine under the legally binding Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the United Nations Covenant on Diplomatic and Consular Relations which are binding on all countries of the world. Based on this understanding, I am now making the following announcement to the people and Governments of all countries of the world in my capacity as Emperor Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST including the self governing dominions of Malawi and Gaza strip in Palestine:

a. All foreign Diplomatic missions based in the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi are now legally bound to recognize the sovereignty of the duly created African Traditionalist Monarchy of  MUST as the overall administrator of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi as duly proclaimed. Those Diplomatic missions that are in disagreement with this arrangement should give a legal challenge to the MUST Government or leave the country as soon as possible. The legitimate President of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi is His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara SC who has replaced the duly deposed President of the self abolished Republic of Malawi.

b. All Diplomatic missions around the globe are legally bound to recognize the claim of the formerly no man’s land around the globe by the MUST Government as donated by the FIEC Ltd and pay the necessary transit taxes to the Government as duly communicated to the Diplomatic Community by the Government in the month of February of the year 2023.

c. All countries of the world are legally bound to recognize the MUST Central Bank and the MUST Shekel as the Central Bank and legal tender currency of the duly inaugurated MUST Government respectively as inaugurated on the 29th day of September of the year 2023. The Self Governing Dominion of Malawi and the Gaza strip started using the MUST shekel as official currency for trade including the 36 kingdoms of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST on the 29th day of September in the year 2023 after the inauguration everywhere and on the 29th day of October in the Gaza strip.

d. All the State Dignitaries of the African Traditionalist Government of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire as listed in the Diplomatic certificate and in the list of Royal and noble officials of the country have to be accorded necessary Diplomatic protocols and treatment wherever they may be either here in the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi or in all countries that are signatories to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the UN Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Relations. The Government of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) is under legal obligation to accord Diplomatic recognition to the Assistant Supreme Ruler of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire, Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Ntombizodwa Lopanda (Mdluli), Queen of the MUST colonized territory that spans in between longitude 0° to 20° south east of the equator down to the south pole who is currently in Johannesburg for a home visit to Port Elizabeth her mother’s home after entering the RSA territory lawfully using the passport issued by the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi as duly adopted by the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST. The United States of America’s Government is under legal obligation to accord Diplomatic recognition to the First President of the African Traditionalist Republic of MUST before it transformed into a Monarchy and the current King of the MUST colonized territory of Richard Matola ISSA land which spans in between longitude 40° to 60° South West of the equator down to the South Pole in the formerly no man’s lands, His Majesty the King, King Richard Matola Issa of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing  Dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine, who is currently in the State of Washington in the USA after entering the country lawfully using the passport of the duly adopted Self Governing Dominion of Malawi under the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire of MUST. He is also one of the shareholders of FIEC Ltd.

e. In my capacity as the unanimously elected Head of State and Government of the duly created African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine, I intend to leave the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi for the colonized lands of the country in the 36 kingdoms which are located in the formerly no man’s lands around the globe including the Gaza strip. I will go via the territory of Mozambique under the right of free passage embedded in the terms of surrender of the Nyasaland and Portugal Peace Treaty which was signed in the year 1893 at Marca in Nsanje when the monarchies of Nyasaland defeated the kingdom of Portugal. The Mozambican Government is also under legal obligation to give me as Head of State and Government of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST Diplomatic welcome and protection as I pass through the country with my delegation as a Country Diplomat of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. I intend to enter the Republic of South Africa likewise using the passport of the duly adopted Self Governing Dominion of Malawi. As I leave the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi I have appointed His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara SC as acting President of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi with effect from the 22nd day of November of the year 2023. I have also appointed the Hamas leader as acting President of the Self Governing Dominion of the Gaza strip in Palestine (subject to His free consent). Each one of these leaders is tasked with forming a Government and carrying out democratic elections for the State Dignitaries of their country. The treasury of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi has been ordered to fund the Civil List budget for the Imperial entourage of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire based on the understanding that Malawi is now a Self Governing Dominion under African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST.

f. The duly deposed State Dignitaries of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi as led by His Excellency Reverend Dr Lazarus Chakwera are being asked to freely resign from their illegitimate posts because they failed to defend the lawful existence of the Self abolished Republic of Malawi after several reminders and notices. The MUST Government promises to offer all the deposed State Dignitaries of the Self abolished Republic of Malawi a fair retirement package and upkeep allowance forever once they abide by the law. They are also at Liberty to negotiate the terms of their retirement with the MUST Government authorities.

g. All countries of the world that have been partially or completely surrounded by the duly colonized territories of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST in the 36 kingdoms of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire are legally bound to seek Diplomatic and Consular Relations with the MUST Government through the Imperial Office in order to secure the lawful use of the MUST colonized territories around their countries. Any transit of goods across the MUST colonized territories Worldwide shall be subject to a 16% transit tax.

h. The MUST Government hereby welcomes all people that have been living in the formerly no man’s lands of the world who want to join the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST under the MUST kingdom in question. All people that are willing to work for the MUST Government in the MUST offshore ports, immigration and customs posts anywhere around the globe from any country of the world are welcome to do so without a Visa by formally notifying the Government of their respective countries of residence or origin about their decision to serve the MUST Government as hereby announced. Dual citizenship or full citizenship is acceptable. Officers are required to work for the borderline services of all the 36 kingdoms of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire that border with the already claimed lands of other countries of the world which  border with the colonized lands of the MUST Government Worldwide. Every kingdom of the 36 kingdoms of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST shall require a fully fledged Government with staffing for all Ministries, departments, agencies, and corporations besides staffing for the private sector support institutions. Every kingdom and Self Governing Dominion of the MUST Government shall have a branch of the MUST Central Bank with it’s headquarters at Beira in the kingdom of Myland. Every kingdom and Self Governing Dominion shall have all the MUST Government financial markets as duly communicated to all countries of the world by the MUST Government which include money Markets, labour Markets, commodities Markets, properties Markets, forex Markets, cryptocurrency Markets, derivatives Markets, Bond Markets, stock Markets, which will be facilitated by the MUST Central Bank which shall all fully staffed with labour force from all countries of the world.

5) As I leave the self governing dominion of Malawi for the Worldwide MUST kingdoms inspection tour, I shall need to go with Government staff and supporting private sector institutions staff for each of the 36 kingdoms of the country in order to deliver them physically to their areas of jurisdiction around the world. I request the legal fraternity and Governments of all countries that border with the MUST Government duly colonized formerly no man’s lands around the world to fully analyze the MUST Government land claim Worldwide and it’s lawfulness in order to accord the Imperial entourage of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST the necessary Diplomatic protocols and treatment as it approaches their borderlines. Those countries that shall have the Imperial entourage enter their territorial space for tourism or other purposes should do likewise. 

6) I intend to leave Happinness Royal Camp in the city of Lilongwe for Thyolo Chibwana village with my entourage on Tuesday January the 2nd  in the year 2024 where I shall hold a public rally in Thyolo at the community center ground on 3rd January. The entourage shall then depart on road towards makwasa and thekerani up to chididi in Nsanje. From chididi the entourage shall board chartered ships in Shire river up to the Indian ocean past the Mozambican territory. The entourage shall go with members of the Diplomatic Community in Malawi who acknowledge the legal jurisdiction of the African Traditionalist Government of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje as the overlord of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi as duly communicated. The rest of the itinerary for the Imperial entourage around the world shall be communicated in a separate notice. The entourage shall go to north Africa via Mozambique, Kenya Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt and pass through the Suez canal towards the Gaza strip, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy, France, Spain, Gibraltar Portugal, England, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, USA, Cuba, Panama and pass through Panama canal, Mexico, USA, Honolulu, Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Burma, India, Pakistan, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Madagascar, RSA, Namibia, Angola, DRC, Congo, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Antarctica, pass through Marie Biard land, New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica, RSA, finally Mozambique Beira. All countries that have been listed have to prepare for the visit of the Imperial entourage where necessary. The free passage through Mozambique shall remain in use by citizens of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip forever once granted.

7) All countries and individuals who have legal objections towards the Worldwide tour of the MUST Imperial entourage should notify the Imperial Office of the African Traditionalist Government of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine accordingly.

Yours in service,

Saint Mussauwa Vincent Wandale

Emperor, Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the self governing dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine



+265999375802 or +265880555314


a. The Registrar of companies in the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi

b. The Malawi Human Rights Commission

c. The members of the Diplomatic Community in Malawi and the world over

d. All people of the world including those living in the formerly no man’s lands of the world and Gaza strip in Palestine.

e. The local and international media

f. The Malawi legal aid bureau

g. Taulo and associates lawyers

h. His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara acting President of the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi.



The African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire

P.O. Box 40600 Kanengo, Lilongwe, Malawi

The International Court of Justice Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2

2517 KJ The Hague Netherlands

Fax: +31(0)703649928

3rd January, 2024


1) In the year 1945 the countries of the world agreed to abolish the rule by might and established the rule of law. Malawi like many countries of the world signed the United Nations Charter in the 1960s. A lot of international laws including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas, the United Nations Convention on Diplomatic Relations, just to mention a few, that were adopted by the Republic of Malawi and others giving the people of the world freedom to freely decide their political future. In the spirit of self determination, the people of Thyolo and Mulanje, after enduring over a hundred years of oppression and domination decided to utilize the laws that were adopted by the country to liberate themselves from their oppressors who were uncovered by a Malawi Presidential Commission of Enquiry on Land Policy Reform in the year 1999.

2) The people of Thyolo and Mulanje elected me to be the leader of their duly created sovereign state called the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST). I happily accepted the post knowing that the laws of the country Malawi provides for it and that we followed the right procedure in doing it as outlined by the United Nations Organization. To my utter surprise, I was arrested and detained by the Malawi government for being elected leader of the country and I was even declared insane and forced into Zomba Mental Hospital by the same. I know my rights as a leader of a Sovereign State that was duly created by free people and I now want to request the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hear my case and rule whether the declaration of independence of the people of Thyolo and Mulanje out of Malawi was lawful or not. I also request the ICJ to rule whether the colonization by my country of the formerly no man's lands around the world was lawful or not as I, being Emperor, Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the 36 kingdoms under Empire, have set out to go on a worldwide tour of my Empire to deliver my subject kings and their officers in their duty stations around the world. I had set out to leave for the tour on 2nd January, 2024 but I have postponed the journey in order to seek advice from the Court first.

3) May the ICJ consider this matter urgently as everyone in my country is waiting upon me to give orders regarding how we shall proceed. All countries of the world have been duly notified of the Creation of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire where a Diplomatic Certificate for the country was shared with them including a letter seeking Diplomatic and Consular relations with them. I don't want to lead in breaking the laws of the world being a duly elected leader myself hence this Court action.

4) I as Head of State first wrote a complaint to the ICJ in the year 2016 soon after the declaration of independence of the people but the ICJ Prosecutor responded that the Court shall investigate the matter but never did as promised up to date hence this follow up letter. I have no standing army like all leaders of Sovereign States of the world because of the ratified Charter of the United Nations which promotes friendly relations among nations following the rule of law. I can easily mobilize an army if I can be told that I need a standing army to fight our enemies who our grandfather's defeated long ago in the European colonization wars to give us this freedom which we are now cherishing.

5) Lawyers are afraid of representing our government in a Court of Law because they are afraid of the state machinery of the Malawi government. I have decided to present this case alone before the Court because no legal practitioner is prepared to take the risk of challenging the Malawi government to defend my rights as a duly elected Head of State and government. Let the ICJ be informed that the Commission of Enquiry on Land Policy Reform I mentioned earlier declared the land laws of the Republic of Malawi as ultra vires meaning that the Republic of Malawi got automatically dissolved in the year 1999 by the Commissions statement in accordance with the law unless otherwise advised by the Court. Yet to my utter surprise the

republic is still existing up to date without first having a referendum vote to formalize it. I

believe that the Republic of Malawi is unlawful and got duly dissolved in the year 1999 by the

Commission's statement hence the use of the word ultra vires to describe it's land laws unless otherwise advised by the Court. Let the ICJ look into this issue as well.

6) I took initiative to inform the President of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi His Excellency Reverend Dr Lazarus Chakwera about this legal anomaly but he has stayed put without action meaning that he is happy with the anomaly.

7) I am really troubled inside and if it were not for the International laws that were ratified by the country, I could have mobilized my people in Thyolo and Mulanje for war against our enemies. However, rule of law reigns around the earth hence the need for this matter to be heard in a Competent Court. This matter falls within the legal jurisdiction of the ICJ as established by the UN to serve the people of the world with justice. I humbly request the Court to take action on this matter in order to prevent wars in the world. I am ready to abandon my throne as Emperor Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the country if the Court shall find the Creation and expansion of the country worldwide unlawful in accordance with the laws of the United Nations. All officials and nobles of the Empire are ready to follow me in stepping down from their positions once our political independence is proven unlawful by the Court.

Yours in service,

Saint Mussauwa Vincent Wandale

Emperor, Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire


i. The Chief Justice of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi

ii. The Speaker of the National assembly of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi

The President of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi

iv. The Secretary General of the United Nations Organization

V. The Director General of the Legal Aid Bureau of Malawi

vi. The Executive Secretary of the Malawi Human Rights Commission

vii. The media

viii. The General Public

Binding conventions enforcement


Happinness Royal Camp




22nd November, 2023


1) As Emperor Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens (ESRKKQ) of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire (WWHME) of the African Traditionalist Monarchy (ATM) of MUST, today, Wednesday the 22nd day of November of the year 2023 marks day one of my legally checked authority as ESRKKQ of the ATM of MUST and the WWHME which includes the duly adopted self governing dominion (SGD) of Malawi and the duly colonized SGD of the Gaza strip in Palestine. It is because I had served a notice of 28 days to anyone concerned with the matter of the Inauguration of the ATG of MUST and the WWHME including the duly adopted self governing dominion of Malawi asking them to present their legal challenges against the MUST government through any Competent Court and no-one came forth to present any challenge which signifies approval. I now officially announced to the people and Governments of the world that the African Traditionalist Government (ATG) of MUST has assumed lawful authority over the territory of Thyolo and Mulanje and the rest of Malawi as a self governing dominion and over the territory of the formerly no man's lands around the globe including the Gaza strip in Palestine as from 00.01am Central African Time (CAT) on the 22nd day of November of the year 2023.

2) Following my constitutional powers as ESRKKQ of the country worldwide, I now order that all territories under the ATM of MUST and the WWHME should use the MUST Shekel official currency of the Empire in domestic as well as international trade. A supporting document shall be issued by the Imperial Office today. In line with this decision, I further order that the Central Bank of the duly adopted self governing dominion of Malawi should be the official printer and minter of the MUST Shekel official currency of the MUST Government using it's established networks under MUST law. The Reserve Bank of Malawi shall henceforth become a branch of the MUST Central Bank. All the official Malawi kwacha and other currencies circulating in Malawi now shall be exchanged with the new currency the MUST Shekel at the US Dollar exchange rate

that prevailed in Malawi for the Malawi kwacha on or before the 29th day of September of the

year 2023 the day of the Inauguration of the MUST Government and for Gaza on or before the

29th day of October of the year 2023 the day of the colonization of the Gaza strip by the ATG of

MUST. I further order that all territories under the ATG of MUST and the WWHME should use

one MUST passport. The passport of the duly adopted self governing dominion (SGD) of Malawi shall remain in use until it shall be exchanged by the owner with the new one. All passports for the self governing dominion of Malawi issued from now onwards shall be issued under the ATG of MUST and the WWHME. As all the State Dignitaries of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi have been formally deposed from power as a self governing dominion, being the Absolute Monarch of the African Traditionalist Government of MUST and the WWHME including Malawi and Gaza, I have appointed His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara SC (subject to His free consent) as acting President of the self governing dominion (SGD) of Malawi with a duty to organize elections for a new set of political representatives for the country who shall replace the deposed Dignitaries. He has been appointed because of his professionalism and love for Malawi and his understanding of the issue of the creation of the African Traditionalist Monarchy of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions of Malawi and the Gaza strip in Palestine.. All of you the duly deposed State Dignitaries of the duly abolished Republic of Malawi including your Excellency Reverend Dr Lazarus Chakwela, are being ordered by the MUST Imperial Office to go home as your work/job is over. The MUST Government shall give you an immediate retirement package and upkeep salary forever. For Gaza I have appointed the Hamas leader (subject to His free consent) as acting President for the country with a task to organize elections for the political representatives of the country and set up a Government under MUST as a self governing dominion. He has been elected because of his leadership skills as displayed towards the formerly stateless and lawless people of the Gaza which has now been lawfully colonized by the MUST Government. His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara shall assist the Hamas leader with the Malawi Government in these initiatives.

3) Today, November 22nd is also the day that the MUST Imperial Office had set to start sharing unused colonial estates lands in Thyolo and Mulanje through the self governing dominion of Malawi's local government structures. A delegation of the registered trustees of the Peoples Land Organization (PLO) led by the Second Deputy Vizier of the African Traditionalist Government (ATG) of MUST and the WWHME (including the self governing dominions of Malawi and Gaza), His Majesty the King, King Durban Chakwana Chitsulo of Durban Chakwana Chitsulo land (located in between 120°-140° longitude SE of the equator down to the south Pole excluding already claimed territories), went to the Council Secretariat in Thyolo to seek an audience with the new District Commissioner for Thyolo on the land distribution programme as the Peoples Land Organization delegation had previously delivered by hand the 24th October Imperial notice of land distribution exercise in Thyolo and Mulanje to the Council members. The DC was reported to have departed for Lilongwe to attend a high level meeting at the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) of the Self abolished Republic of Malawi. The PLO delegation shall go again tomorrow Thursday the day of weekly gathering for the PLO members as many people shall come to the meeting expecting answers on the promise to share ade by the MUST Imperial Office. I therefore order that land distribution through the DC in both Councils should not delay by more than 45 days from today the 22nd day of November of the year 2023 in order to coincide with the beginning of planting rains beyond which every Village Development Committee (VDC) shall be ordered to go to any nearby unused land in the colonial estates and share the land to the needy people of their villages in both Councils as advised by the Imperial Office. The Imperial Office orders the deployment of the Malawi army to Thyolo and Mulanje to assist the VDCs in the land distribution exercise and prevent violence on the days of land distribution. The Imperial Office shall attend the land distribution function exercise together with a delegation of Country Diplomats of countries that have Diplomatic ties with Malawi who were served with the Imperial notices (about the creation of the WWHME) including a delegation of the United Nations (UN) who are specially invited to show solidarity with the first ever Government created peacefully on earth since the year 1945 in accordance with the UN Charter and the peaceful take over of land based on researched facts and it's distribution to the needy to build houses and plant food crops. I request every smallholder farmer in Thyolo and Mulanje to keep seed enough for 0.1hactares of land including a mixture of chimanga, maungu, nandolo, mbatata, chinangwa, ntedza, therere, mabilingano, cabbage, tomato, anyezi, mango, papaya, peyala, nthochi, peaches, guava, oranges, mandinu, macadamia, nkhuku, nkhunda, for home subsistence.

4) As Supreme Ruler of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire (WWHME), I am the Supreme commander of all the armed forces under the Empire under law. Therefore, as Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the country worldwide, I order the deployment of Security Detail over me and all the kings and Queens of the WWHME of MUST including their Prime Ministers and over the Presidents of the self governing dominions of Malawi and Gaza from the Malawi army immediately. The Commander of the Malawi army is under legal obligation to act as instructed or if not willing should either resign or seek legal opinion from any competent Court. I also order the treasury of the self governing dominion of Malawi to prepare and fund the Civil List budget for the upkeep of the Royal family of the Emperor, the king's and Queens and all the members of the Royal crew as listed in the list of Royal and noble officials of the WWHME of MUST that was shared with the Diplomatic Community in Malawi and world over. The treasury should also fund the programmes of all the political appointments of the MUST Government including funding the General elections for a new set of State Dignitaries for Malawi under the MUST annual workplan and budget allocation. The treasury is being ordered to secure the payment of non paid tax arrears from the British government resulting from the UK-Malawi tax treaty where all companies registered in the UK operating in Malawi do not pay tax to the Malawi Government directly but through the British government which was supposed to remit the money to Malawi but has never done so ever since from the year 1955 to date. The treasury should also facilitate the collection of dividends for the 22% shareholding stake of indigenous

people of the country from all companies operating in the country and share it among the

indigenous people of the country. The Secretary to the Treasury of the Self Governing Dominion



of Malawi is under legal obligation to act as instructed or resign from position or seek legal opinion from any competent Court over the instructions.

5) Let everyone around the world rejoice at the creation of the African Traditionalist Government (ATG) of MUST and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire (WWHME) including Malawi and Gaza. Rule of law shall now prevail on earth in it's entirety. Peace as well shall reign on earth because there shall be no more free passage of terrorists or pirates from one area to another using formerly no man's lands of the world that have now been duly colonized by the MUST Government. I and my security detail and others, am soon leaving for the New Happinness capital city of African Traditionalist Government of MUST located 23km off the port of Beira via mainland Mozambique following the terms of surrender of the legally binding Portugal and Nyasaland peace treaty of the year 1893 as signed by Sir Harry Johnson on behalf of the victorious monarchies of Nyasaland. The flag of the WWHME shall be the spiral enneagram with multicolours symbolizing a whirlwind of change worldwide and the multicolours of people of the world who shall be citizens of the country in the 36 kingdoms worldwide. The center of the enneagram shall have special colours depicting the favourite colour of every landed king and Queen of the WWHME which shall be the colour of the kingdoms flag at the Centre to distinguish it from the other kingdoms under MUST. The national anthem of the WWHME shall be the song titled "Universal Happinness" which was composed by the Emperor. Wherever the Emperor goes around the world where there are people, school children and supporters of the Monarchy shall line the streets and sing the imperial passage song which goes "uyo uyo uyoo, uyo Emperor; uyo uyoo uyooo, uyo Emperor; uyo uyoo uyooo, uyooo Emperooor; mfumu ya mafumu". Translated as "there goes the Emperor, the king of kings and Queens"

6) All leaders of countries that have been completely or partly encircled by the colonized territories of the WWHME should seek immediate Diplomatic ties with the MUST Government in order to reach an agreement on travel for their citizens to the neighboring countries as well as the use of the seas and oceans territories that have been duly colonized by the MUST Government. All shipments of foreign cargo at sea shall be required to pay a transit tax of 16% in MUST Shekels to the MUST Government as duty commencing from February of the year 2023 as

duly communicated by the MUST Government to the Diplomatic Community


May God bless our nation and bring lasting peace and universal Happiness on earth for

all peoples of the world.


Yours in Service,

Saint Mussauwa Vincent Wandale

Emperor, Supreme Ruler and King of Kings and Queens of the African Traditionalist Monarchy

of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) and the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire

including the self governing dominion of Malawi and the self governing dominion of the Gaza strip in Palestine


a. The Diplomatic Community in Malawi and world over

b. The duly appointed acting President of Malawi His Excellency Bambo Raphael Kasambara

c. The duly appointed President of the Gaza strip in Palestine

d. The duly deposed State Dignitaries of the self abolished Republic of Malawi

e. The secretary to the Treasury of the duly adopted Self Governing Dominion of Malawi

f. The Commander of the duly adopted Self Governing Dominion of Malawi

g. The registered trustees of the Peoples Land Organization

h. The District Commissioners for Thyolo and Mulanje District Councils under the Self Governing Dominion of Malawi

i. The Traditional Authorities of Thyolo and Mulanje Districts

j. All people of Thyolo and Mulanje and of all the 36 kingdoms of the Worldwide Holy Mbamirian Empire including the Self Governing Dominions of Malawi and Gaza strip in Palestine

Written by Joppers

The future of Government

 Welcome to our latest blog post on the future of government. In today's rapidly changing world, it's essential to stay informed about the trends that are shaping the future of governance. From technological advancements to shifting societal norms, the landscape of government is evolving at a rapid pace.

future government
One of the key trends to watch out for is the increasing use of technology in government operations. With the rise of artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain, governments are leveraging these technologies to streamline processes, enhance security, and improve service delivery to citizens.

Another important trend is the focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Governments around the world are recognizing the urgent need to address climate change and are implementing policies to promote renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and protect natural resources.

government sustainability
Furthermore, the future of government will see a greater emphasis on transparency and accountability. With the advent of social media and digital communication, citizens are demanding greater transparency from their governments, leading to increased efforts to enhance public access to information and promote open governance.

Additionally, the future of government will be shaped by the growing influence of digital citizenship. As more aspects of daily life move online, governments are adapting to meet the needs of digital citizens, from providing digital services to addressing cybersecurity concerns.

digital government
In the realm of public health, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital healthcare solutions and telemedicine. This trend is likely to continue, with governments investing in digital infrastructure to support remote healthcare delivery and improve access to medical services.

As governments navigate these trends, they will also need to address the challenges of data privacy and cybersecurity. With the increasing digitization of government services and the collection of large amounts of personal data, protecting citizens' privacy and safeguarding against cyber threats will be paramount.

data security
Moreover, the future of government will see a shift towards more inclusive and diverse representation in leadership positions. Governments are recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making and are taking steps to promote inclusivity and equality in governance.

In conclusion, the future of government is being shaped by a multitude of trends, from technological advancements to societal shifts. By staying informed and proactive, governments can adapt to these trends and effectively meet the evolving needs of their citizens.
